We work with physicians in several ways:



We actively are working to build our corporately owned medical practices. If you or someone you know is interested in us evaluating a practice for acquisition, please reach out here.


The business demands in medicine have recently grown at an unprecedented fate. We partner with physicians who are not ready to sell their practice but would also like to step back from the day-to-day business activities and focus on what they love, patient care! We come in and take over all of the non-clinical portions of the business for a fixed fee or on a shared profit model.


Another way we frequently work with physicians is through referrals into one of our specialty practices or products. Currently, Glutality our remote patient monitoring program is for patients with diabetes is a very popular option. Some physicians that do not want any involvement in the billing or monitoring side send us patients directly. Others choose a partnership model where we do all of the work for their patients, and they bill under their EIN.
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If you have a patient you would like to sign up for Glutality’s remote patient monitoring, click here:
StrideMD's Partnerships